The purpose this forum is to allow individuals to advertise their templates, tools, and other commercial items to the GameSalad community.
This is the only place it is appropriate to openly advertise your items on the forums, and you must comply with the rules listed in the forums.gamesalad.com/categories/commercial-area-rules-questions section.
What should be posted here:
Templates, tools, and other items that are for sale on the GameSalad Marketplace
No more than a single post for any template, tool, or item you're offeringNo more than a post per week per individual.
- A description of no more than 100 words (as reported by wordcounttool.com/
- No more than three screenshots, images, or attachments of your item/template/tool
- No more than a single link, linking directly to the product page.
What should not be posted here:
- Products made available for sale on third party markets
- Non-GameSalad related products
- Threads asking questions about how to build, publish, or market your products
- Bug reports
- WIP project posts
- "Check out my portfolio, I'm available" threads -- use the respective Art/Programming forums for this!
- Multiple repeated threads -- one per tool, template, or item, please. No more than one post per person per week. Edit your post to update / refresh, no more than once per month.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
This discussion has been closed.