Saving Your High Score?

Is there a way without PRO to implement a memory system that can save your high score?

If not is there a way to do this WITH PRO???

Best Answer

  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    edited March 2014 Accepted Answer

    You do not need a Pro license to implement a high score system. There are plenty of videos that will explain this if you Google gamesalad high score and click on the Videos tab. The basic idea is this:

    When game.score > game.highscore Change attribute game.highscore to game.score Save attribute game.highscore key [highscore]

    The key can be any text you like but I recommend keeping it related to the attribute it is saving.

    Then in that actor or another actor, you'll need a Load attribute behavior with the EXACT same key name and attribute (game.highscore).

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