Hi to everybody on the GS forum. I'm a 3D artist/designer looking to make an original game...
Hi, I have gone for GS as I have no coding skills... just ideas and graphics skills!
Long term I'm looking to make a game myself or partner up with one or more people to make something special. I have just uploaded my first asset to the marketplace marketplace.gamesalad.com/#query=mr+gee and more will follow in the next few days. You can look at my commercial and creative work here delaneydigital.com
Nice work gl in finding a partner although with many templates around from us DBA and DBM ands also GSH and the GSM you might not need to find one.
Welcome Mr Gee
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Nice to meet you. Good luck.
Illustration Portfolio:: |
Our Christmas Wishes for iPad:: |
Astropak for iPhone,
and Kindle Fire
Welcome @mr_gee I've been looking through your work and looks great! I've partnered up with my brother who is getting into graphics design. I've not been using GameSalad for long and have picked it up very quickly! Any help needed feel free to PM i'll be happy to help as much as I can
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!