[Paid] Updating an existing GameSalad game with new features
in Help Wanted
I have a game on the App Store, and it has been updated twice. I do the art & music, while I was working with a GameSalad pro to set-up the game. He's not available to work on the project anymore, but I have a big 1.3 update planned, and need to get it submitted to Apple asap. I will pay whatever the going rate is, so just let me know in a PM. I don't know the hour estimate, but it's urgent wok, so the person would have to be available to start, and finish in the very near future. The game is of Flappy Bird style, and the update is adding three new features that I don't want to give away on the forums.
I charge $50 an hour as a reference but I'm extremely busy ATM with clients, I can recommend @fryingbaconstudios and @LumpApps.
Sent you a pm
Honestly I don't like working with other peoples code. All of my clients are ground up builds. Trying to dig though already coded games is a pain. Most of the stuff I've seen is always disorganized and not very efficient. It's like a scavenger hunt..lol
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