Member, PRO Posts: 20
Hi I have a problem with iads banner.
I have try my app with ad-hoc version and all ok. But now that is on App store iads not showing.
@tillmoss iAds take a few days to come through after going live. They are not instant. If they were present on adhoc, they will come through. (Unless it's a game designed for kids as they don't receive iAds even if they worked in adhoc)
my game is rated 4+. do you think that I must increase this?
No, to my knowledge it's only if it's categorised in the kids section. For example, I have a game in the 9-11 year olds catorgory & with an iAd rule & switched on in iAds & it still didn't deliver. I asked apple why and this was their reply:
In accordance with the App Store Review Guidelines, iAd will not serve targeted ads in apps designed for children.
All my other games are 4+ and serve iAds fine (except delays of up to 9 days after release) but they are not in any kids cats.
ok appearance. I hope it works. Thanks a lot! This is my first game and I'm worried that something will go wrong
Never have seen iAds on my own phone as well and i was also thinking it did not work. But as mentioned after a couple of days and some installs they will popup on user devices.
@gingagaming Thanks. I was worried about my iOS app "Go Batty", which went live on Apr 4, 2014, not showing iAds, even though it works fine in the Adhoc build. So, I'll wait and see.
Well, it took about 96 hrs from release of the app before iAds started showing on my two iPads, 2nd Gen and Retina. Puzzling thing is it took another 24 hrs for ads to show up on my iPod Touch?
I'm getting the same problem with my 3rd app... my first two games worked instantly but my most recent one is not showing up yet
i have the same problem, but it think it's because i didn't set the bank info. So, is it necessary to set it up for ads to show or not ?