Adding drift to an actor
I am relatively new to Gamesalad, i have done several tutorials and have the hang of making a basic game. Advanced motion and physics seem to be the hardest part. I would like to add some to me anyways complex motion to a game I am designing.
I am hoping to make a game with boats. Anyone that has ever captained a boat knows when you stop the throttle the boat does not stop but drifts for a ways. I also would like to introduce such factors as wind and currents which is all something you deal with when at the helm of a boat.
Is there any way someone here could point me in the right direction of what to research to be able to give my boat actor realistic motion and add current and wind to the scene?
I know this is probably too complex for someone to write how to do, so just asking for what topics i should research and point me in the right direction. I have played around with drag and other such behaviours but think i may be on the wrong path trying to set all of this within the actor but should be adding friction, drag or something to the water background where the actor slows to a stop because of the drag the water adds? Dunno pretty confused what to do haha
Thanks in advance for any advice!
Hi Robert, I made a template not too long ago that has a very complex drift method depending what surface type your on, i can't remember the code of the top of my head but is it something similar to the video below your after?
Edit* video and link removed to come in line with new forum rules.
Hi deep blue
Many thanks for this! I think something like that may work with some tweaking to be more of a boat drift! But yeah thats awesome mate congrats! DO you sell the template?
You did an amazing job of your app!! one day one day i may get close hahah
Seriously, is there a template you haven't made? haha Everytime I see a thread asking for something you have an awesome template ready to go!
@Mash_Mobility We try and keep busy