Memory Issues on quickly changing scenes

HappyKat78HappyKat78 Member, BASIC Posts: 173

Hi Guys,

I've got a level map and I find if I jump in one level and then out to another level too quickly the 2nd level doesn't load all of the assets. If I wait a few seconds on the level map then the 2nd level loads the assets properly.

I think this might come down to an issue I've seen here discussed before where GS isn't automatically destroying all of the actors from the first level when I leave the scene so they're using up memory. I can try adding a destroy command to all of my actors on scene change, but I was wondering whether the new optimizations on GS will tackle this so I don't have to? Feels like something GS should take care of without us having to destroy the actors ourselves. If anyone has any insights here they'd be much appreciated before I start adding destroy commands I may not need.




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