Easy Level Select System with Stars
I've made a few different level select systems over the years but this is the easiest one yet, thought id share by attaching the file and a quick video…please watch the video to see how easy it is to add more levels.
Release Candidate can be downloaded here… http://gamesalad.com/download/releases
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excellent thanks darren i needed this i have a game with 36 levels with 3 stars on each without using tables theres so many attributes!
amazing. thanks darren
cannot open? i unzip file and its just like opening up the gamesalad file package contents. i see a .gsuser file, but cannot open?
Darren awesome as normal.
@codemonster are you using the release candidate? Also are you on windows or Mac?
@mounted88 im using the latest stable build for mac
@codemonster I believe you have to be using the release candidate to use this level select. It's not a stable build but it's pretty close. The link is posted above to download it.
@CodeMonster Yes its using the new change scene at index a feature only in nightly and RC.
Index simply counts your scenes from the left to right so index 1 is the 1st scene (title page) index 2 is the 2nd scene (level select).
We can use an integer to determine what scene to change to now which as you see in the demo above makes it super easy to make a level select system.
We can use something like change scene at index self.MyLevel+2 now which makes it so easy.
@DeepBlueApps what you showed in that video is incredible. all you did was place 4 new actors, copy 4 scenes, add something really quick to the table and its done.
this method is really going to help with my projects. so if i download the nightly or release versions, will i be able to still use the stable versions of gs?
very clever code, nice one!
@Adamgopro @mounted88 @BazookaTime @james courtney Thanks guys glad you like it.
@CodeMonster yes you can still use stable if you download nightly or RC.
@DeepBlueApps -- Really nice demo! Thanks for posting this!
Uh... that's great, but I'm still struggling with the whole levels in the first place part. How do you make them?
@gamestudent what do you mean when you say levels? Do you mean scenes?
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@RThurman cheers m8
@gamesstudent explain what your stuck on and we will try and help.
Well, What I mean is how do I create a level select Menu? Like you have in bumps. so that the levels are locked, and become unlocked after the level before is played.
@gamestudent this template will automatically do that for you
Thanks @CodeMonster
If you want to work out your total stars collected (had a couple of Pm's about this) then use…
tableColSum( game.Stars ,1,1, tableRowCount( game.Stars ))
In case anyone missed it...
@GameStudent PM me if your stuck with anything.
Great template but need to wait for 0.11.X on windows
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
Im not sure when the windows version will be bought up to par, sorry.
Little bump for the new guys.
Hey Darren,
Download doesn't work? Well it does but can't open it?
Can you help thanks, on a MAC.
Hi @deepblueapps have you solved the download link error?
Hi @deepblueapps i'm having many issues downloading some template can you post the jump to kill, the ice slicer and the asteroids template? Plsssssssss T.T
Sorry about that we're having a change around but will be back to normal soon.
Link is now live again (remember to change the extension to a gameproj in order for this to work with
When I get 5 I will change the zip with the 0.11 version.
Thank you @deepblueapps