Offering FREE Constructive Criticism And Ideas
Offering FREE Constructive Criticism And Ideas
Constructive Criticism
Due to the loss of my iPhone (R.I.P) I'll only be able to offer free constructive criticism if your app is either on GS arcade or if you show screenshots/videos.
If you are going to get upset or angry at what I have to say please don't request. Please remember this will be my PERSONAL opinion
If your wanting to create a game and can't think what to create or how to go about creating this please send me a PM
Also if your thinking your game is a bit.... Bland i'll help you as much as I can to make it more User Friendly and Addictive
Thanks For Reading, I look forward to help you out
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
I would like some constructive criticism for the app I recently made, Whale Runner. I feel that it is bland and isn't addictive. What things can I add or how can I modify the app to make it better? Here's the link to it on GS Arcade. runner
Most People don't like honesty. They say they are open minded and want the truth but most get their knickers in a wad when you lay it all out there.
Just be for warned.
Hope people take you serious and your actually giving them just straight feedback and nothing sugar coated.
Sounds like a good service. Keep it up!
Overall, I’d like to say it’s a cool idea for a game, but as @tenrdrmer said Im not going to silver line my views, you asked for the service so please don’t get offended
First I would like to start with the HomePage:
Custom Buttons would be a great feature for the HomePage, Its a VERY important scene, your going to see it every time you load up the game, Custom buttons would really make the page stand out
I’m sorry if this was the theme you were going for but the whale at the top of the page isn’t very clear, maybe get an 8bit artist or a cartoon artist to draw one out, another point with the theme maybe have moving objects floating across the scene - I explain more further down
An addictive game consists of a mix between difficulty and enjoyment, the speed of the game is crutial to obtain and retain your app users - Maybe start off with a slow side scrolling background with gains speed overtime - This won’t affect the speed of the game just the users perception of how fast it is.
As I stated in my last point, hard games are addictive, I noticed this game mode eventually if you collide with the top or bottom of the screen you die, Why not kill the player if they touch the top or bottom from the start, like FlappyBird. Also, you could have a “HardMode” where if you touch the spike you die, alternatively have something chasing the player so if you do get stuck behind a spike it caches up and kills you
Nice feature! Really enjoyed it!
I think adding animations to the other fish would really help this mode out, they look a bit dormant where really your looking for lively, fun, interactive aspects to keep your users interested.
I found the highscore was very…. precise, I could see the distance (centimetres) to 12 decimal spaces, I personally would like to see a more “basic” score
Background image IS required, The scene just looks very bland otherwise - as I keep saying “Keep your users interested” colour is rest for that!
Custom Text and Numbers, A lot easier to manage than you think, I can direct you to some tutorials and supply you with some text, Have a look here at what you think:
Overall in the game have moving objects - Small fish, current waves, hidden objects! These could slow you down and give a nice effect - You can do this with just one moving actor and one spawner - Let me know for details
Different Obstacles, Maybe pirates boots/ fish bones… make it feel as if you are there
Settings Page is needed if your planning on importing sounds
Maybe have an endless mode to go with the other two modes
To top it off a Splash Screen would really show who’s the developer
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
Coukd you give my game a shot...on the arcade. No Escape 2014
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Sure thing @Thunder_Child I'll start right away
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
Sorry @Thunder_Child I can't find it on the arcade, could you send a link?
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
If your still doing reviews:
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Hey @bjandthekatz Really sorry I have lost my iPhone, is it on GameSalad arcade?
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
@SmokeyAce73 - Can you please remove the image from your sig? Images are not allowed in sigs.
Sure @SlickZero sorry about that
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
@SmokeyAce73 No it is not. It won't be either, Sorry.
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No problem, Smokey. Thank you very much!
You can have a link in your sig if you want.
@bjandthekatz Ok no worries, if i'm still doing this when I get a new phone i'll be sure to check it out!
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!