Greetings from New Jersey. I'm new to GameSalad and will be getting Pro soon. I do have a question about specs. It said I need at least Mac OS 10.6 (I have 10.7) along with X-Code 4.6 and iOS support. Is this something I need to get or is it already in my system. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
That is all you need, along with the creator.
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So I take it that the X-code and iOS support are part of the OS? Just want to make sure. I'm new at this side of things. I've done graphic design for years.
Xcode is only used to sign applications and supply ios support (I believe). All of the "coding" is done via gamesalad.
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Okay, but I do need it to publish to Apple. I checked my OS X Lion "Missing Manual" (duh) and looked it up. I need to get my developer's certificate so I can download an earlier version of Xcode. I checked the GameSalad manual and it says for Apple publishing you need Xcode, among other things. Thanks for the welcome and the info. I'm sure I'll have more questions (in the appropriate section) as I go along.
@rjvgames why will you download an older version of Xcode? I'm using the latest one just fine. Or is it that OS X.7 can't handle the latest version?
Get Mavericks if you can, and upgrade your Xcode to the latest so you'll have nothing else to worry about.
OS 10.7 can't use the current version. It's for 10.8 and up and I can't afford a new computer right now so I'll have to use what I have until I can afford to get one. I need to get a developer's certificate anyway so this will enable me to have what I need when I'm ready to test my games.
More than likely if your Mac can support lion 10.7 it can support 10.9 I'm running 10.9 on a 2010 MacBookPro with a core2duo processor. So I bet you can handle it. You don't need a new machine.
You do need Xcode and it likely did not come with your machine but it's a free download.
You also don't NEED pro until you have a game built and ready to start adhoc testing your app on the device if you are getting for pro features.
It's too old to support Mavericks (built in late 2006), only mid-2007 and newer can support it. I did some number crunching and I can swing a new iMac. Once I get the new Mac, I can download the latest version of Xcode. I'll use the free version of GameSalad to learn on and get Pro when I'm ready. I'm thinking of getting an iPod Touch as a testing device (when the time comes), since it's essentially an iPhone without the phone part.
My iMac was built in 2006 and I'm running the newest osx mavericks.
It may have been built late enough, but I'm going by what's listed in the specs on Apple's website. I also have some other things I plan to do and need an updated graphics board for that anyway, so a new machine is what I need.
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