How to keep an Actor moving random up,down,left and right ?
How to keep an Actor moving randomly up,down,left and right ? without getting off screen, or if it gets off screen it comes back to screen form the other side maybe ...
Any help ?
Best Answers
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
To make it wrap around the screen you need to turn on Wrap X and Wrap Y in the Scene Settings.
Random movement could be set up like this, though there are other ways too I'm sure:
Change Attribute moveDirection to Random (1,4)
if moveDirection = 1 move your actor left
if moveDirection = 2 move your actor right
if moveDirection = 3 move your actor up
if moveDirection = 4 move your actor down
The above is not actual working 'code' just a guide to point you in the right direction.
Hope it helps.
UtopianGames Posts: 5,692
I helped a user a while back with something similar (last 3rd of the scene) but this can be edited for your needs.