How do I make my actor falls and land?
In my game, an actor is spawning at random location, but I would like to see it fall from the top.
I followed the great tutorial by gshelp:
So the 'code' looks like that:
I tried animation but it is limited to the size of the actor.
Can this be done? Basically each time the scene initiate I want to see my actor falls from the 'ceiling' to the 'ground'
Thanks for the help!
Add an Accelerate Behavior to your actor moving it down the screen (270) at whatever speed you want. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Well the problem is they spawn directly at their 'landing' location. So if i add this behavior they just fall down the scene from their spawning location
Change the spawn Y location
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Well I'm not sure what to offer here, seems like the obvious would be to start them at the top of the screen knowing they are going to be falling... ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Okay because of your advices, I almost found a way, the problem is they overlap
I put the object on top of the same scene, and created a new table with the landing Y values. Then i pretty much followed the same tutorial from gshelp but instead of Spawn, I used Interpolate. It's working but they overalp. Sometimes it choses the same Y axis. I don't understand why, I will investigate!
Arrgg this is driving me nuts, the add/remove Row doesn't work on the new tables. The object keeps falling straight. If I turn it Off, it's working but they tend to overlap
The add/remove row attribute does not work well. I have a table with 15 rows. But sometimes a couple, if not all, of my 3 object is just going straight to the bottom of the screen (value 0). Any ideas?
My code:
I'm trying to avoid them to overlap (same value)
Thank you
I give up