Looking to be a Pro in Video Reviews/Tech Reviews Any Help:)
Hi as you may know recently I have been doing tons of video reviews and now I think I want to produce best quality video's with cool beginnings and introductions I just wanted to know what program is the best to compile it all together in one vid like some of the promotion video's people did for their games around here:) Any Comments will be much appreciated
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
That's not what I consider pro-level software, but it got the job done. I think your problem is that you're holding the iPad up to the screen. Instead, maybe you should try recording the video first and then putting voice overs on top of it.
If you have a big TV, use that as a background... with the game you're reviewing playing on it. Of course, that means the developers might have to send you video to assist you. If you're going to become even more serious about this... as it seems you are serious about this... then maybe you could set some standards. Give priority to developers that help you out.
...and you still didn't answer my question. Are you over the age of 13 and in the United States? If not, that might be a problem with Promo codes. From what I've read of the Promo Code rules, it seems to me that I cannot export the codes.
...and don't hide your face. Are you a journalist? If so... then act like one! "Hi! I'm..."
Who are you... why is your opinion important?! It seems as if you're building an image here, so why not act as if you demand respect. You do that with professionalism.
Get good lighting for your shoots... and put work into it. Have a script or at least a good idea of what you want to say before you say it. Editing is useful too! Eliminate unnecessary words... or sounds that are not words. Heh... like... don't say "umm".
If I sound critical, I do think that you're off to a good start.
iMovie isn't terrible and does do some cool transitions that can make your reviews look professional.
Also- I have heard that Final Cut pro is the way to go so make sure you check that program out as well.
One suggestion from me is to watch all the video reviews you can. This will provide you with some knowledge as to how you want to approach things and maybe give you some ideas. I hope this helps.
But you are off to a great start! And I know we all appreciate the work you have been doing! keep it up!
Cheers, Weswog
That's some creative thinking scitunes.