Chartboost implementation help
Member Posts: 63
I'm trying to get Chartboost to appear after every fourth game played. I'm using 11.0.3, and I just can't seem to get the details down. Can anyone help. I added the chartboost rules to the reset scene actor on the game over screen, and attached a screenshot of what I currently have. Any help, or clarification needed, let me know.
Hmm it could be reseting the chartboost to 0 before changing scene and launching the advert, thus not launching the advert, I wouldn't use a timer as that could get messy, instead try maybe to just have the if chartboost = 4 go to initial scene and show advert, then on the initial scene have the rule, if chartboost = 4, change to 0. Ready to start again.
Could fix it, good luck
Just FYI, chart boost ads don't get filled 100%. Hex Words on the app store has it when you start a game and when you go back to the main screen but they don't always show. I may change that only at end of game so it doesn't break the flow of the game on the update.
I figured it out. They're filling 100% for me to show after every 5th game played