background won't show up
in Help Wanted
I am using GameSalad on windows. I played my game but the background disappears it's on the place where you make commands but not anywhere when you play the game. Does anybody have a solution?
If your scene moving make sure your background is in a separate non scrollable layer at the bottom of the stack.
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have you dragged the background actor into the scene? also make sure the image is selected, perhaps screenshots?
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that't the problem it just doesn't show up and I don't know what to do
I didn't mean that's the problem I meant that that's not the problem but thanks
Which isn't the problem? Could you post a screenshot or upload your project? Could you tell us the steps of what you did?
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Hi team
Im having the same Issue,

On image 1: you see the backround is selected, and is not scrollable
On Image 2: Im in the "preview" screen and there is no background.
Thank you.
So I think I solved it
When I changed the "image" from the "Actors Attrubutes", from Sunset, to another image that I found, It worked.