Hello new to GameSalad
Not sure if there are sections or if this is the right section but im new to gamesalad and i want to create an rpg game for android and ios i have did a couple games for android using eclipse for 1 and unity for a couple and was wondering if there are templates for an rpg game or maybe a tut for gamesalad im reading throught some of the documentation but still not sure where to start or what to do if anyone could help. i just wanna know if its possible before buying.
Best Answer
bjandthekatz Orlando, FlPosts: 1,375
Welcome. Here are a few templates for a RPG game.
http://www.gsinvention.com/rpgtemplateNeed Help? Email Me | Templates | Full Game Source Code
thanks im checking them out now is there a tutorial somewhere that can teach me how to make the maps not 2 good with graphic but something im trying to learn.
I don't think there is a tutorial for that. It is basically dragging an image on screen and positioning it where you want.
Need Help? Email Me | Templates | Full Game Source Code
really so i dont need sprite sheets or models or use something like a tiled map editor. i could just drag and drop a standard png file. is there any way to get a 2.5D effect with gamesalad
Welcome! @HiCallMeAce CallMeSmokeyAce73
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
Thx for the welcome SmokeyAce73
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I have another question if anyone can answer can we use FBX files in gamesalad or would i have to use png or jpeg