Wrong Provisioning Profile Associated with Account
in Tech Support
So I've created my app and compressed it to a .zip file and made an adhoc and tested it on my phone. Now whenever I try to use application loader it says that the provisioning profile used in the bundle (com.myadhoc.fallingfire) is invalid. I don't want to use that provisioning profile and deleted it a while ago trying to fix this error... Can anyone help me out with switching the provisioning profile? i have all the certificates and ids and everything for the profile i want to use. Thanks!
You have to make a provisioning profile specific for the appstore. So one for testing, and one for publishing. All you should have to switch is the bundle id when publishing, and the bundle in itunesconnect.
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Ya thats what i did- create one for testing and one for publishing. I got my app onto my phone for testing and deleted everything after that when i was trying to fix the problem