Twitter Integration.

daryljburtondaryljburton Member, PRO Posts: 23

Hi there,

I am currently making a quiz based game where coins are a currency to purchase hints/delete letters. I have a twitter 'share' button where by pressing it, it posts to twitter about the app and in return the user gets coins.

However, i currently have the issue that when the button is pressed, coins get received - but the user then has to accept to send the tweet so if he cancels the coins are still received but no tweet has been posted. Is there away around this at all?



  • SmokeyAce73SmokeyAce73 EarthMember Posts: 370

    could you screenshot your rules? Give me a better understanding on how you have done it

    Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!

  • AdrenalineAdrenaline Member Posts: 523

    Nope, I believe there is no way around this is GS. We can't force the user to continue through with the tweet, and that's as far as we can go with checking.

  • daryljburtondaryljburton Member, PRO Posts: 23

    Thank you for the replies.

    I did fear that there would be no way around this, it creates a rather dramatic cheat! But non the less, i have attached the rules just in case.

    Thanks again.

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826

    If you use the current stable version of GS you can uncheck editable by player in the tweet sheet behaviour if that is unchecked the tweet will go out when the tweet sheet behaviour is invoked and the user has no choice ... But now Twitter changed the rules and all tweets must be editable by the users that is why in recent versions of GS ie NB and RC versions the editable by player option is checked and greyed out ...

  • MonDieu72MonDieu72 Member Posts: 27

    @neoman said:
    If you use the current stable version of GS you can uncheck editable by player in the tweet sheet behaviour if that is unchecked the tweet will go out when the tweet sheet behaviour is invoked and the user has no choice ... But now Twitter changed the rules and all tweets must be editable by the users that is why in recent versions of GS ie NB and RC versions the editable by player option is checked and greyed out ...

    that renders the tweetsheet useless, don't want to use it if the player can put in "this game sucks!"

  • daryljburtondaryljburton Member, PRO Posts: 23

    I ran into some publishing trouble when using the standard GS. I will give it another go though; thanks for the help!

    I do agree that making the tweet sheet editable literally makes it unusable. A lot of people will just tweet a '.' or, like you say, 'don't by this game!' - brilliant!

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826
    edited April 2014

    You miss understood if you use the stable version as I described the tweet sheet is NOT editable by the user. It will post what you have specified and the user has no choice. I use this method for posting scores. In the future this will not be supported as Twitter changed the rules and said every post must be editable by the user. :smile:

  • daryljburtondaryljburton Member, PRO Posts: 23

    Ahh right, i get you. Thanks for the help!

    Ill have a little fiddle the with stable version then :)

    Thanks again.

  • solergamessolergames Member Posts: 16

    My understanding is that it's not editable by anyone now?

  • solergamessolergames Member Posts: 16

    Also pictures no longer work.... bummer :(

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826

    @solergames Twitter changed the rules so now any tweet must be editable by the user ... You can't uncheck editable by user ... Also there is a bug when attaching images in the tweet sheet. There is a workaround if the name of the image you want attached in the tweet sheet starts with "twitter_" then ImageName it will attach an image to the tweet sheet :smile:

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    edited June 2014

    To expand on @neoman‌ comment, your image should start be in this format


    You should enter the exact file name including extension in the tweet sheet field AND NOT in the expression editor.

  • myrainyworldmyrainyworld Member Posts: 23

    @solergames @neoman @gingagaming Thank you. I have the same problem too.

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