Newbie Confused by GameSalad Cookbook Certificate Info
Hi, I'm trying to use GameSalad for the first time and had read both in a book and the GameSalad Cookbook that I should use Keychain Access to generate a Certificate Request and then go to the iOS Provisioning Portal and submit it. But the Apple Developer site now says that Xcode is the easiest way to create an iOS provisioning profile, so should I just follow the advice on Apple site or do I need to still submit the certificate request manually? The problem I ran into with submitting it manually (following the GameSalad Cookbook) is that those instructions are out-of-date as they reference a development tab and a distribution tab that don't appear, or I can't find.
Any advice before I blunder down the wrong path would be appreciated. Thanks.
Provision profiles are different than certificates. You have to have both but you need to create your certificates first.
Unless you are using Xcode to create your apps, I would just stick to the guidelines in the GS Cookbook. Apple changed the UI of the Provisioning Portal, and made it easier to use, so even though it looks a bit different you should be able to figure it out. Start with Keychain on your Mac and create the Certificates as described by following the instructions first.