Async multiplayer? where do I begin
So I have just finished a single player game that I am about to publish to the app store, but…right before I was about to publish it just hit me, this game would make a great one on one player experience. I have searched the forums and didn't really find much on this subject. Is there any reading or tutorials that could get me started on making a multiplayer game? I know absolutely nothing about where to begin doing this. However I am very eager to learn. I have watched the multiplayer chat videos but i'm still a little confused about how to incorperate something like this in my game. FYI, my game is like a super smash brothers type of thing except it is only you against one computer player but I want to make the computer player an actual friend that can log on and play against you!!! is this even currently possible?
I heard that it was out, but very complicated. Waiting for a good tutorial for this feature
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@AlkaPP the latest thread on multiplayer that I could find was about 5 months old, but then I saw something about the latest nightlies having multiplayer capabilities, if they do I have no idea how to utilize these capabilities "which is why I was wondering if anybody knew of some good reads or videos I can watch so that I can learn. so it seems like theres a lot of mixed answers going around about multiplayer.
@alexanderdoubleu Have you read this:
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@AlkaPP yess, thank you though. I'm still a little confused though does this mean I would just change the chat functions to different behaviors for each player in different nightly versions?
you are really on your own with this. a few of the more advanced developers have started tackling this and have spent months working with it. the multiplayer capabilities are still being figured out.
I put together a tutorial on how to roll your own with sending and receiving data, and @stormystudio took it a step further and has been designing a real game, but again, it's been months.
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
@alexanderdoubleu have you tried the sending and receiving data? I tried it. Very cool. I was successfully connected to my own hosting server. But that was all. I'm planning to use it for sharing player high score on Facebook.
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@AlkaPP yes I have, but that wasn't exactly what it for @jonmulcahy well haha I guess that kind of destroys my plans for turning my already finished game into a multiplayer…i'll probably just submit my game to apple the way that it is and maybe try to figure it out myself in the next few months and make an update with multiplayer capabilities