Is making a recipe book app possible in gamesalad?

Is making a recipe book app possible in gamesalad? My friend wrote me a massive word document with pictures that I thought I could turn into an app? Would that be possible? It would be a very simple layout - a list of dishes that you can click into then it reveals how to make that dish.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Good luck,
Laying out the type would be incredibly difficult when compared to other methods available. I've created ebook apps before. I used html and webview. It's a lot easier and more customizable than GameSalad. That's unfortunate though. I wanted to write a GameSalad Textbook using GameSalad. But when I realized that it would not be easy, I lost interest.
GameSalad would be good for children's books though... like with narration and interactivity.