How to test the game on your phone? **WINDOWS** (HELP)
I have an ipod and a windows phone but i'm a Windows XP user! Thanks (I've googled but all I see is Xcode)
I have an ipod and a windows phone but i'm a Windows XP user! Thanks (I've googled but all I see is Xcode)
Hello, I'm just about done with making the game work how I want it. I want to test it out on my phone (windows phone, I also have an ipod) but how would I test this out so I can start working on the graphics. To check if the game has any glitches so I can fix before I start working on graphics. NOTE I don't want to post it on the app market YET (Cause its no where ready for it. I just wanna test it out on a phone)
Thanks, Victor
Hello Victor, congratulation that you done with your game and good luck with graphics
There are a lot of video tutorials on youtube how to test the GameSalad game on your own device.
Please next time don't forget to inform us or write more description such as what version of GameSalad you're using Mac or Windows.
I dont have my own experience how to test on windows phone. Hope you'll find sollution. To test your game directly on your own iPod you have to register as a iOS developer
and you have to have Macintosh.
use Xcode software and GameSalad iOS viewer to test on iOS Simulator, it's free
@alarm656 is it possible with a windows system? I have Xp thats why..
You need to have a mac to install the viewer on the iPhone. Anyways, I don't think the windows creator is compatible with a viewer.
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No it is not possible to test on your iDevice on a windows system, and there is no Windows viewer.
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Please don't create multiple threads for the same issue. I've merged these two.
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@tatiang @bjandthekatz so its impossible to test it out?
Without a Mac, yes.
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Actually, you can publish/test your game without a physical Mac. You can use website offering to rent a Mac server as I did. It works great (a bit laggy though). You can google it yourself, I do not want to advertise anything.