Pixelmator (an image editing program) is on sale for $29.99

MacUpdate is selling Pixelmator for $29.99 (reduced from $59) this weekend (May 15 and 16, 2010)!
For those of you unfamiliar with Pixelmator, it is an image editing program. While it is not as powerful as Photoshop, it is not as expensive either. I use it quite extensively and would recommend it to anybody. At $29.99, it is a steal. I bought it full price and do not regret it.
GIMP is another program I would recommend. It is freeware.
For those of you unfamiliar with Pixelmator, it is an image editing program. While it is not as powerful as Photoshop, it is not as expensive either. I use it quite extensively and would recommend it to anybody. At $29.99, it is a steal. I bought it full price and do not regret it.
GIMP is another program I would recommend. It is freeware.
Good find, Jack!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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I did a quick Google search for "..for the rest of us". Interestingly, according to Wikipedia, Apple had an advertising campaign called "The Computer for the rest of us"
I would have to say that Pixelmator can do everything I use Photoshop for.
When Pixelmator first came out a few years ago, it was lacking most of the tools that I use daily. It didn't have Rulers, Guides, Blending Modes for Layers. But they have added all those in the latest version.
I've been using Photoshop for 20 years now, but I might start using Pixelmator instead!
There's GIMP, but that interface always felt like Windows96 to me.
Like QS said, the interface is beautiful.
Definitely worth 29$
While not as cheap as $12...
The Mac App Store dramatically changes the way people can buy software.
For example, I got a $50 Best Buy gift card as a Christmas gift. I was thinking about picking up Pixelmator as a Photoshop alternative. I could convert the Best Buy gift card into an iTunes gift card. Pixelmator on the Best Buy website is currently $54.99. In the Mac App Store, it's only $29.99. That's a $25 savings... not even counting the difference in New York State sales tax!
I think this explains the huge sale on Amazon. The software appears to be going to the Mac App Store - exclusively.
Perhaps that's what GameSalad should do too. Although, the Pixelmator appears to be catching a lot of flak for their new pricing. Someone who recently bought Pixelmator at $50+ has a good reason to be grumpy.
Apparently, if I order Pixelmator now - through the Mac App Store - I would get the 2.0 upgrade for free.