HUD/Layers Issue
Hello:) I was wondering if anyone can help me with my problem.
I am trying to add a HUD to my scrolling scene game. I add all the Buttons and stuff to the HUD layer, un-check scrollable, and place it beneath the Background layer (which includes the Player and everything else). Then I Preview the game, and it works on the first try, but when I go back or try it again, it doesn't work, and the actor stops at the edge of the scene/camera. I watched a YouTube video, did the exact same thing, and it worked. Then I deleted some actors that shouldn't be in the scene, and Previewed the game again, and it didn't work. I was wondering if anyone can help me with this. Thank You:)
---SodaMan, Co.
@SodaManCo On your retry actor do you spawn the controls, if so check where you are spawning them, Front of layer?
If it is you may want to check what layer your spawner is on, I would create a new spawner for HUD
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
@SodaManCo no worries, You shouldn't need to create a new spawner.
I'll create a template if you give me a few hours to finish what i'm currently working on!
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
@SmokeyAce73 I placed the Buttons myself; I did not use a Spawner to spawn the buttons. The Spawner is on the Layer with the Buttons, and the Scene Walls and the Player are on another layer. I could make another Spawner that spawns only the buttons, along with the one that spawns the actors. Thanks for replying so quick!
---SodaMan, Co.
@SodaManCo no worries, You shouldn't need to create a new spawner.
I'll create a template if you give me a few hours to finish what i'm currently working on!
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!