Spawning particles
Hi everyone!
I'm having some trouble with my particle effects. So basically what I want to have happen is when I hold down buttonA, and continually tap another button, the particles will spawn.
So this is what I did:
I set up an actor that says 'when buttonA is true and when Tap Tap Actor is true spawn particles.
Then in my Tap Tap actor it says, when touch is pressed > change attribute Tap Tap actor to true and change attribute particles to true > otherwise change attribute Tap Tap actor to false.
Everything works, but my problem is is that whenever I hold down buttonA and tap the Tap Tap actor, the particles come out on the first tap, but if you press the button again within 0.5 seconds, it doesn't spawn a new set a particles, it just resets the first ones. I want it so that with one tap particles come out, then with another another set of particles, etc, etc. so there's this big pile of particles.
Hope you guys can help me! Thanks all!
Best Answer
Evangelista Posts: 2
Try having the particle effect inside an actor that spawns every time Tap Tap actor is true, then destroys itself upon completion of the particle effect. This way you will have many instances of the particle effect going on at the same time. You can use random x/y values for the spawn location of the particle actors so that they don't all spawn directly on top of one another.
Bumping this up! Hope someone can help! Thanks! :)
@Evangelista, that actually worked. Thanks for your help! ;0