What platform should I use?

BrundiBrundi Member Posts: 60
edited April 2014 in Working with GS (PC)

Hi, I am thinking about making a game and making it into a download for the computer is this possible?

Question two: If I were to put the game on a website how would I go about doing that?

I know this has probubly been posted before but...

Thanks, Brandon :D

Best Answer

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Posts: 8,188
    edited April 2014 Accepted Answer

    a. You can make Mac games for sure, but I'm uncertain if you have to go through the Apple Mac App store.

    Previously you could make 'standalone' Mac apps, but I'm not up to date with that side of things these days.

    You cannot make standalone Windows games (just noticed you're on a PC).

    You would choose 720p HD or 'Macbook' for the platform.

    Personally, I'd make the game for iPad resolution and use the Retina Graphics option, then use the 'stretch' publishing feature in the next build to automagically adjust to a computer's screen size.

    b. You would need to publish to html5 to make a game playable on a website.

    Currently, you're limited to 480x320 resolution - i.e. iPhone legacy platform.

    Hope that helps,

    QS =D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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