Accidentally moved an object out of the scene

Hello, I made a "Retry" button in my game and when changing the positional values, I accidentally moved it completely out of the scene and now I can't select it to delete it or alter it. I have changed the size of the prototype hoping that it would change the size of the button so that I could select it from out of bounds but that didn't work. I believe that I unlinked it from the prototype. How can I get this button back into the scene if I can't see it on my screen?
Also, in the Windows version of Gamesalad, when selecting an object you can see the coordinates on the top right of the scene and alter them there. Is there any way I can enable this on the Mac version? It is really inconvenient for me to have to go into the actor's attributes and change the coordinates there, and then go back to the scene to make sure that it's right.


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