I have done this which works fine, But my issue is I don't know where to add double jump and also stop jumping continuously when button is held down. Any help would be appreciated
The only problem with these videos and free templates that they are different from what you do (not that they aren't any good) its just when you try to add certain things to the rules you have that work fine it all messes up when you start to change things around.
Where in the rules I did would you put the double jump and stop jumping continuously when button is held down?
Change from down to release, this will mean the player would have to release the key/button for the rule to work.
@jamie_c has done an incredible recipe which includes double jumps:
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
@SmokeyAce73 There is no release option, just down and up
The only problem with these videos and free templates that they are different from what you do (not that they aren't any good) its just when you try to add certain things to the rules you have that work fine it all messes up when you start to change things around.
Where in the rules I did would you put the double jump and stop jumping continuously when button is held down?
Many thanks
Sorry i'm still getting used to mac version (been on windows from the start and I think you can change to release)
Anyway I agree with what you said about template. This is untested but may work:
Change your original attribute Jump to an Integer, 0 = Not jumping, 1 = SingleJump, 2 = Double Jump.
Where you have you first jump change game.jump to 1 and, of course, add in your jump behavior (Change attribute)
Create the following rule:
If attribute game.jump = 1 And Up is pressed
Change attribute game.jump = 0
Change attribute (your jump behavior)
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!