Help? (Probably quite simple, just not to me.)
Member Posts: 977
Hi guys,
Having an issue in a game I'm trying to make - basically it is this;
Actor may drink from 6 different vials.
Actor may drink any number of the vials; including 0 or 6.
Each combination results in a different next scene.
Actor drinks X vial(s) and then clicks a button.
The problem I am having is that when the button is pressed it does not always respond how I'd like; it is set up like this -
If red vial = true
blue vial = true
*insert other 4 vials here* = false
Go to X scene
I have around 10 of these rules so far, with if all = false going to scene Y
The problem is that often it will go to scene Y when it should be going to scene X.
Can anyone help me out here, please?
Having an issue in a game I'm trying to make - basically it is this;
Actor may drink from 6 different vials.
Actor may drink any number of the vials; including 0 or 6.
Each combination results in a different next scene.
Actor drinks X vial(s) and then clicks a button.
The problem I am having is that when the button is pressed it does not always respond how I'd like; it is set up like this -
If red vial = true
blue vial = true
*insert other 4 vials here* = false
Go to X scene
I have around 10 of these rules so far, with if all = false going to scene Y
The problem is that often it will go to scene Y when it should be going to scene X.
Can anyone help me out here, please?
If red vial is true, and blue vial is true (insert other vials here=false)
do you put:
If ALL is true: ?
redVial = 1 (point)
blueVial = 2 (points)
greenVial = 4
purpleVial = 8
orangeVial = 16
cyanVial = 32
then every time the player drinks a vial add it's points to game.potionDrunkAmount
if(game.potionDrunkAmount) = 1 changeScene ("Red Scene");
if(game.potionDrunkAmount) = 2 changeScene ("Blue Scene");
if(game.potionDrunkAmount) = 3 changeScene ("RedBlue Scene");
I don't know how you're passing your "which vial is drunk" value around though
presumably if each actor is edited (instance unlocked) separately they can each have their own potionAmount value (relating to my Vial binary amounts above), and then possibly in the prototype you can have
when the vial actor receives mouse down
game.potionDrunkAmount = game.potionDrunkAmount + self.potionAmount
Jmp909: I think I might try that; integers have always been easier for me than booleans.
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
I'm going to say no; not because of privacy fears but simply because I'm still not exactly sure what it is that I'm making - it is kind of doing its own thing. It still has no title and no plan behind it. ^-^; I don't even think it has a genre, yet.
(my favourite!)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I started making it after I accidentally took expired Zoloft - so it's a bit trippy XD
Honestly, with the recent discussions about originality, I'm glad to see something forming more organically. There may be something like what you are talking about, but I'm not aware of it. Best of luck.
Does that count???
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'm looking forward to an update!
Design - I read the originality discussion; I'm currently working on 3 or 4 apps - one will likely be trashed; it just doesn't feel polished. So let's call it 3 - of those three, all very simple - 1 is a rip off of an old but popular game, but it will be free.
The other two are, I'd like to think - very original. They probably have been done; maybe - but I did think them up for myself. ^-^; Thanks.
Now I just have to hope that someone who can draw worth a damn doesn't come along and recreate them better than me XD
@design219 - I sold enough to cover the cost of the beer that got me to make it in the first place. Seemed appropriate enough
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...