Steps to Publishing to Itunes
Hi Everyone, just thought I'd post this, since I had some problems myself publishing to itunes and Ive had some private messages come through asking for help from others that had similar problems.
Always best to share what I've found for others to use. More than likely there is posts along these lines, but more info is always better in the long run. If I've posted this in the wrong Category, hopefully one of the admins will move it to where it should be.
Firstly, the GS cookbook is a fantastic resource and if you follow it's instructions fully, everything works.
That was my problem, too eager and missed things.
The first stage in the cookbook is the development stage make sure you remember its "DEVELOPMENT" as this one got me. If you're playing around with development mode, you should really name the profile ADHOCgamename so you can distinguish between them for actual publishing.
The second stage in the cookbook is the distribution stage This is the one you want to follow explicitly for publishing. You really really need to make sure you have created a "DISTRIBUTION PROFILE" otherwise the app won't authenticate with itunes when you go to upload it.
What you need is an account with apple developer and a bit later on iTunes connect Both of these you should be able to access with your own regular Apple/Itunes account.
When you ready to publish your game, go to your game within publisher in your profile.
Click on the Platform you're wanting to publish. By this stage you should be at the point of being ready to "sign app" if you're not at this point, you need to make sure you're entered all the correct information and "generate app" first.
If you're good to "sign app" click it
This will open up game salad creator and start downloading the app file for you.
Once the app has finished downloading you will be presented with a screen "App Signing Settings"
Make sure you select the correct Profile that you created when setting up the Distribution profile in Apple Developer. Then click next.
You will be presented with a location on where to save the .app file to. This file has nothing to do with the distribution to itunes, but you have to do it as its the actual app as well.
Once you hit next, you reach the congratulations screen. If you have already submitted everything about your app in your iTunes Connect account, then you just need to click on the "Publish" button
In my case, once doing this, it also opens the file location in finder to where the zip file is contained. This is important as you need to know where to get it when publishing.
The application loader will open at same time. Again at this point you should already have everything to do with your app setup with Itunes Connect, so go ahead and click on the "Deliver your App" button
I don't have any available apps to show you the next screen shot, but if you're done everything correctly, you should be shown a drop down menu with a list of the app's awaiting upload of binary for.
Select the one you're about to upload. Click next and then you will be asked to select the Zip File that was created when you clicked Publish on the Congratulations screen.
Navigate to this location and click next.
If you've done all steps properly, everything should go smoothly from here on in. Don't be alarmed if the Authenticating with Itunes takes awhile, it can do that. But from what I've noticed if it takes longer than 10 minutes, something is up.
Below is errors I encountered and the reasons I got them.
Authenticating with iTunes took way too long, I mean I waiting 10 hours and still nothing.
How I fixed this was redownloaded Application loader to the latest version.
Another time, was I just needed to reboot my system as I'd been working on it for too long.
Main problem was incorrect profile from Apple Developer was chosen when I signed the app.
Version Mismatch.
I had called the version in Game Salad 1.01 but really with iTunes it was 1.00 since it was the first version
No App Bundles in Package.
I downloaded the wrong file in my publisher account on Game Salad. Don't use the "Download App" button or the "Download" link in your publisher account in Game Salad. Neither of them are to be used for Publishing to iTunes. Only the zip file created once you've signed the app works.
I think at this point thats all I can help with to make it easier.
If you have had something else go wrong with your attempt at distributing your app, please post it, so we can all learn from it.
Hope this helps everyone publish more apps simply
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
I have videos on how to use the publishing system and how to create profiles et....
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
please can someone help me on skype or help me with another method, Im so stucked at an error before uploading binary, please help....
Awesome GS Guru. Im bookmarking your tutorials page for my own use as I need it
> @The_Gamesalad_Guru said:
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
Hi Surchy, as I mentioned in private message, this is the most I can do via this post. Im very new myself and am still learning.
Hopefully one of the more advanced GS publishers can assist you.
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
Since I posted this to help others that search the forums for advice, I thought I'd add in some things that happened through the review process to me.
When you setup the meta information within itunes connect, ensure that you have enough screen shots that really show what the downloaders will expect to see.
If you add game center ensure you put a tick in the leaderboard you create for game center and or any other options you want to have used in game center.
These were just two things that delayed the review process for myself.
They declined it very fast due to these, but once I did it right, the app was in review for about 54 hours before it was released for sale/download
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
Excellent work @aussiefaz and well timed for me
Website » Twitter » Facebook » Loaded Arts - Fun for thumbs.
Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
@Loaded Im glad its helpful.
These were all things I'd searched on the forum and cookbook to find more info on. Especially when I started having problems and wanted to find answers to rectify those problems.
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
Good on ya for helping the community mate. I think the iOS publishing system is very clunky for a lot of us who are not developers and are just starting out.
Website » Twitter » Facebook » Loaded Arts - Fun for thumbs.
Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
I cannot generate my app!?
Wait I did it. I just removed Playhaven ad ...
Yeah it's waiting for approval but i did get an error when uploading via Application uploader.
@aussiefaz The system works! Just uploaded my first binary
Website » Twitter » Facebook » Loaded Arts - Fun for thumbs.
Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
@Loaded congrats on uploading your first binary. Good luck with the approval process
@michaeln93 do you remember what the error was that you got?
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
Can someone share another link for the first stage and second stage in cookbook? The links provided by OP are dead.
I'm not sure those links work anymore.
Here is link to my playlist of publishing tutorials if you need some.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing