Equipping items
Member, PRO Posts: 141
Hello all,
So I have a dilemma, I'm trying to figure out how to equip seperate items.
I have an equip button that basically says that whenever an item is selected and equip is pressed , equip that item and change attribute attack to attack + 5. But when I equip another item lets say it changes attk + 10 the original attk plus 5 is still there, I need to replace the item with the new one so attk should be at 10 not 15. I cant do an otherwise stating attack - 5 because then my starting attack will be 5 less . Also I have 5 different types of items that can be equipped at once (weapon, armor, hands, head. Accessories ) all of which will manipulate 5 different attributes at the same time.
Also I have it setup so that when you click on the item it changes , this item is selected to true and other items to false. And when you hit equip it changes what's equipped (an integer) to 1, 2, 3 etc