Endless Runner: Actor won't fall, always ran pass the gaps

There will be some gaps that is big enough to for my actor to fall however it will always run pass it.

The actor will only fall through when the gap is very big, sometimes it will still get up on top the platform if it managed to hit the side corner it.

Is there anyway I can do to make sure it fall off those gaps and won't ran pass it all the time?


  • SmokeyAce73SmokeyAce73 EarthMember Posts: 370


    How are you making the actors fall?

    • If it's gravity make the gravity higher
    • If its accelerate increase the acceleration

    Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!

  • winged_boxwinged_box Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2014

    @SmokeyAce73 said:

    How are you making the actors fall?

    • If it's gravity make the gravity higher
    • If its accelerate increase the acceleration

    I'm using the collide behaviour which allow the actor to stand on the platform, it also accelerate at down direction with 800 speed.

    Increased the acceleration to 9999 still won't fall through.

    Tried increased gravity but it suck all actors towards the top direction.

  • SmokeyAce73SmokeyAce73 EarthMember Posts: 370

    Yeah gravity is an akward one, You need to make sure everything you don't want to move to not moveable and when you set the gravity 100 would be down, 400 would have more of a pull down and then negative number will set the gravity to above the scene.

    Have you got an example of the issue? maybe a few screenshots

    Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!

  • winged_boxwinged_box Member Posts: 52

    @SmokeyAce73 said:
    Yeah gravity is an akward one, You need to make sure everything you don't want to move to not moveable and when you set the gravity 100 would be down, 400 would have more of a pull down and then negative number will set the gravity to above the scene.

    Have you got an example of the issue? maybe a few screenshots






  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited April 2014

    I imagine the bounding box on your little knight is too big and you may have to make a smaller mask actor for the collisions and constrain the knight to it.

    You can see in our platform template we had to make a mask (blue square actor) if we had all the collide rules in the character they would trigger when the bounding box touched anything and as you can see its too big so he won't fall down gaps or he will get killed even though it looks like he's not touching an enemy.

    If you do have to make a mask i would advise using circle as the collision shape.


  • winged_boxwinged_box Member Posts: 52
    edited April 2014

    Sorry I don't really understand what you are talking about, could you simplify it?

    What you mean make a smaller mask actor for the collisions and constrain the knight to it?

  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    The suggestion is to turn off all collision on your main actor. Then create a second, invisible actor the exact size of the collision box you want to have, and place all the movement rules on it instead. Then use the Constrain rules on Position.X and .Y to attach your visible actor to the movements of the invisible one.

    In that photo, the blue square will be the one that reacts to touches and ground, the player actor just is slaved to its movements.

  • winged_boxwinged_box Member Posts: 52

    @Tosanu said:
    The suggestion is to turn off all collision on your main actor. Then create a second, invisible actor the exact size of the collision box you want to have, and place all the movement rules on it instead. Then use the Constrain rules on Position.X and .Y to attach your visible actor to the movements of the invisible one.

    In that photo, the blue square will be the one that reacts to touches and ground, the player actor just is slaved to its movements.

    Oh! I got it, thanks for the explanation.

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