What's the official way of supporting older models of iphone and ipad graphics sizes

Hu Guys. I thought that if you ticked "resolution independence" that all the resolution and sized for legacy models would be handled automatically . Turns out that's not correct. My game looks fine on iphone 5s, but it's complete cutt off left and right on iphone 4s and it's already live https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/catch-a-drop/id858795755?ls=1&mt=8

I thought that gamesalad would squash it automatically? Another forum member pointed out that I should be using "stretch", but that's only available in the nightly builds, so it's sounds like it's not officially supported?

What the "official" way of supporting legacy devices with regards to smaller sizes and stopping graphics getting cut off and is there documentation where I can read more about it?



  • JRRCJRRC Member, PRO Posts: 27

    I believe the most recent Release Candidate has the stretch feature as well, so you could use that to fit it for other devices.

    "Resolution independence" is related to the size of the images used inside the project, and is mainly used to allow the engine to downsize images for non-retina devices, so you wont see any effect whatsoever regarding screen sizes when you publish to other devices.

    I recommend either using the "stretch" feature via the Release Candidate OR setting up rules inside your game to adjust actor placement depending on the device =)

  • revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159
    edited April 2014

    Thanks @jrrc I didn't even realise there was something like device detection, or are you saying I should make the "active playing area" 480/320 but keep the background 568/320

    I guess the same could be said for the ipad mini. What options do you personally go for, stretch or a smaller "active playing" area that accommodation all legacy devices?


  • JRRCJRRC Member, PRO Posts: 27

    I usually go for a smaller "active playing" area that I can crop around for other devices, sometimes I need to manually add behaviours to specific UI actors that need an extra push one direction or another, but other than that it seems to work quite nicely.

    In the attribute browser you can find the values for the device the app is running on, and use those as conditions for your UI placement

  • revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159

    Thanks @NGames. So to sum up, there are four options. Using the new stretch feature, over scanning, universal build and cropping the active game area? Which one do you use? Or at least which one do you recommend?


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