Level up system
I'm wondering how I can make a level up system, that allows my player to level up to level 2 and then change the amount of experience required to get to level 3?
I'm wondering how I can make a level up system, that allows my player to level up to level 2 and then change the amount of experience required to get to level 3?
The first question would be if you plan to have a steady, mathmatically derived number, or a preset, technically arbitrary, number needed from level to level. My thought is the first could be done with a single formula, but the second would need a table.
Well, If it works in multiples that works to, for example, every level the necessary experience required can go up by 200, or double, etc. Its doesn't have to be like 105, 354, 404 and so on.
in other words I should be able to use an algorithm, if it follows a sequence
Multiples were an example of what I meant, yes.
I know @uptimistik created a system like that. Maybe he still had that demo
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If exp 100
change game.level to game.level + 1
change game.exp to 0
This would work if experience needed for every level was 100, but I want experience required to grow by a factor of 200 lets say. like level 1 req = 100, level 2 req= 200
oh crap; I could just create 3 attributes
like exp needed = 100, current exp = 0, level = 0
When current exp >= exp needed
change game.level to game.level+1
change game.exp needed to game.expneeded +200
change game.exp to 0
DUUUH lol thanks for waking me up
And, as said, if instead you need a varied amount, either plug in a formula, or use a CellValue expression on a table in which Row= Level holds the right number for the next set.
And one more suggestion. Do you want to allow for Overflow? As in, if you need 100 xp to level, but gain 110? You may want to change part of that, change the last step to Game.exp = game.exp- exp.needed and THEN switch the new expneeded number in? That way you'll still have the remaining 10 xp already in the new level.
Nice, than you!
could someone send a template I'm really confused
We have one over at DBA (free) just search "XP meter" over in our search box on DBA.
Due to silly forum rules I'm not allowed to post the link.