Terra X Fighter - Space shooter

hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hi, in addition to my previous post. I have also added my new demo of Terra X Fighter. Please leave comments.



  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211

    I like it! Good job! Keep it up!

    Here are some things:

    I would put in a health bar, so I always knew how much health I have.

    Also, right now, my bullets go through the cop cars, the big robots, and the helicopters. I would destroy the bullets when they hit them.

    It said I have 5 lives, but when I died once, it was game over.
  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Thanks for the feedback. Although you have posted this under my other game Terra X Fighter http://gamesalad.com/game/play/58662, which is different to Terra X http://gamesalad.com/game/play/58353.

    I have probably made the naming system too confusing!

    I will make the health system clearer. Thanks again!
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Liked it! Especially the warp at the end - may be worth having a timer counting down the seconds... would add some tension (as in, I only have to survive another 14 seconds to warp!).

    You could also try scaling the enemy bullets to make them 'appear' to be coming towards you...

    Very nice start though - nice one :D

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  • hrsmediahrsmedia Member Posts: 522
    Thanks! Yea counter is a good idea. I will redo the enemy bullets.
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