Interstitial Question

So I've been testing some ads through revmob on my app. But only 'fullscreen' ads work.

My question is, is the 'reset game' behavior (with the enable advertisement checkbox) there only for start-up ads, or can it be utilized for interstitial as well? Because I want an ad on my menu on reset, but not on start-up. I don't want the first thing a player see's to be an ad. And also, can a 'popup' ad be used in place of the 'fullscreen' option with start-up or interstitial? I can't seem to get it to load an example of a 'popup' ad. With start-up disabled in my options and interstitial checked, along with only 'pop-up' enabled, when I restart the game nothing "pops up".


  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375

    Reset can be used as interstitial ads. There is no popup behavior so an ad must be initiated by a change scene, pause our reset behavior.

  • GameLabs222GameLabs222 Member Posts: 197

    Popup refers to rev mobs ad type. There is banner, fullscreen, popup and link. I'd figure popup would fall under a type of interstitial. One that doesn't fill the entire screen.

  • GameLabs222GameLabs222 Member Posts: 197
    edited April 2014

    Just tested my new build. Fullscreen ads won't load when game is reset. Start up is not checked, but I feel that shouldn't matter with reset game's enable ad box checked.

  • TTLDevelopTTLDevelop Member, PRO Posts: 11


    I just published a game with interstitial and Startup ads from Chartboost also in a Reset and the fullscreen ads works fine in the Reset behavior with the "Enable advertisement" box checked, I've used Chartboost and works fine in IOS and Android, I use a rule to control how often the ads shows and when it has to show it shows very very good, the scenes reset just fine. You can try with Chartboost.

    In case you want to see it working these are the links to download my game:

    IOS (Works on iPad and iPhone):


    Good luck.

  • freneticzfreneticz SwedenMember, PRO Posts: 776

    how do you code to not show ads so often, what is the best code for that

  • TTLDevelopTTLDevelop Member, PRO Posts: 11

    Hi Freneticz, what I did to do not show ads so often was this:

    I create an integer attribute and change it random between 1 and 4, like this:

    Then, inside a Rule a just did this:

    Change the range inside the Random and that changes how often the ads show.

    I Hope this s helpful your you.

    Any questions feel free to contact me at FB:

    Good Luck with your games!

  • freneticzfreneticz SwedenMember, PRO Posts: 776

    @‌ TTLDevelop
    Thanks for that....seems to be a pretty good solution

  • MarchiefMarchief Member, PRO Posts: 98

    i do the same but instead of using a random variable i control it with 2 game variables, so 1 to store how often to show (in my case 5 at the moment) and another to track the scene / reset changes - slightly more work but it means the user doesn't get an ad unless they change or reset at least 5 times

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