Story/Plot Co-Writer Wanted

xJadonxxJadonx Member, PRO Posts: 46

My name is Jadon Barnes and I'm currently working on a horror game. I'm looking for someone who could possibly help with the storyline. The main issue is that I'm not looking for anything spiritual/demonic, but what I am looking for is an actual physical monster in the story. Personally, I feel I am not the best at story lines. I want this game to be unique and not cliché or boring. If you would like to help out keep in mind that graphics are not a problem and you are able to let your imagination run wild (as long as it is approved). And incase you were wondering, the main character is a stick figure.
If you would like to help out, you can contact me via Gamesalad website or by email and we can discuss further details.

If you are curious as to how the art in the game will look, here are a couple of the rooms I had done:

This is the main character:


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited April 2014

    The most effective monsters are ones that prey upon our fears. That's what a monster effectively is - a representation of our fear.

    Freddy is a representation of the fear of dying in your sleep.
    Godzilla is a representation of the fear of our cities being destroyed by terrorists (or enemy countries).
    Chucky is a representation of the fear that those creepy-ass dolls really will stab you to death.
    Kraken is a representation of the fear that your ship will be lost at sea.

    etc. etc.

    So the question you need to answer is - what does a stick-man fear most?

    Semi-joking, semi-serious :D

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