Screen sizes.

HbkmadnessHbkmadness Member, PRO Posts: 35

Ok until now I lived in a world where there were only 2 types of screen sizes the one for iphone and the one for ipad. (I will not talk about the andoid devices here).

Today when I checked my game on ad hoc on iPhone 5 the size of the scene did not match and I started to look how to solve this problem.

Also I lived in a world where you should make 2 different games (for Iphone and Ipad ) in order your game to be with normal screensize for these devices.

With the answers I found I saw that you can change the HUD position depending on which device you are using (ok that's cool). In this video Is shown a way to change the HUD.

My questions are:

In the video when the guy is changing the different devices Gamesalad resizes the image automatically. Does this mean if I make a game for with Ipad size if a guy with an Iphone download it, it would look normal ? I don't really think so it works that way.

My second question is:

How to make the game for Iphone 5 without making a different version? I really looked for that answers but there is not a good one. I have several ideas one is if the Y of the device is not 480 but 568 can I just change the camera size and camera center? I guess for the bigger versions I would have a bit more sky or something.

Can someone please explain me how the things work with these sizes because especially for the android devices that are 126491764917 types I don't think this strategy is good.


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