[VOLUNTEER] Und3rdog Studios is looking for 1 gamesalad developer! Apply today!

Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23

We are only looking for 1 developer at this time.

Und3rdog Studios app/game developer position summary:
We are seeking a TEAM-BASED, people-oriented GameSalad developer with proven experience developing games using the GameSalad editor (Mac preferred due to lack of Windows support). Developer must sign a copyright infringement contract with proof of identification(ID/Drivers licence). Please note that Und3rdog Studios is a newly created business with legal contracts.

On occasion audio/video conferencing is conducted and is strongly enforced to aid productivity. The position is open for all experienced developers. Including developers of at least 18 of age and no required degree. However, developer must have all the adequate skills to perform the following responsibilities.

**Developer is responsible for: **
Using pre-existing graphics(provided by our Graphic Designer) to create scenes while following the provided concept material. Developer is also responsible for programming the game while following specific instructions on how the game should operate. Any other material the game may need will also be provided (music and sound effects.) Experience with music or sound effects is a PLUS!

**If you feel you have what it takes to join Und3rdog Studios post a comment here and send us an email! **

Contact me at: kyle.mayne@und3rdogstudios.com


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    So you want someone to work for your company for free? That's what in getting out of your ad here. Let me guess you'll be glad to give credit to the developer in the final product?

    I'm gonna double check but I'm pretty sure we have banned such ads from the forums. Brb

  • Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23

    @tenrdrmer said:
    So you want someone to work for your company for free? That's what in getting out of your ad here. Let me guess you'll be glad to give credit to the developer in the final product?

    I'm gonna double check but I'm pretty sure we have banned such ads from the forums. Brb

    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. We are looking for a long term GameSalad developer and currently offering portfolio reference. I'm not saying that we don't have a budget for our developers because we do. But for now we are looking for a developer to help us finish our game. Recently one of our members quit. Und3rdog Studios is almost finished with their game and need help with the finishing touches.

    Please pm me if you any further questions. Thanks, Kyle Mayne.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    Is this a paid position ?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I am happy to volunteer to program your game if you are happy to volunteer to provide me with graphics for mine. Hour for hour exchange. Let me know if a free trade of services is something you're interested in, or if you're just after unpaid labour.

  • Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23
    edited April 2014

    @Armelline said:
    I am happy to volunteer to program your game if you are happy to volunteer to provide me with graphics for mine. Hour for hour exchange. Let me know if a free trade of services is something you're interested in, or if you're just after unpaid labour.

    Thank you for your interest Armelline. Would you mind providing us with your email? The graphic designer/founder would like to speak with you!

    Thank you, Kyle Mayne.

  • Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23

    @Socks said:
    Is this a paid position ?

    This position is as advertised and is NOT a paid position at this time. The first step is to "try-out" the company and there is always room for advancement (DOE) and please remember every member of Und3rdog Studios has an opinion! The Und3rdog Studios team is going to change the world!

    Thanks, Kyle Mayne.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    What are the ages of the owners and members of this team?

  • BazookaTimeBazookaTime Member Posts: 1,274

    I don't like posts like this, unless I am reading it wrong you want someone to do a ton of work and not get paid.

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408

    well, if they are looking for an equal partner, that's fine. lots of people post here asking to form a team or partnership.

    but asking for free work is not allowed.

  • Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23

    Please refer to the "HELP WANTED FORUM READ-ME."


    The purpose this forum is to allow individuals to recruit project members from the GameSalad community. It is open to paid and free projects.

    What should be posted here:

    "Help Wanted" ads for project that are in development and need artists, designers, writers, developers, sound designers, etc.
    Detailed descriptions of the project, including whether the role is PAID (which should be indicated in the title) or free, what roles are needed, the duration of the project, etc.
    What should not be posted here:

    Threads asking questions about art creation techniques
    Bug reports
    WIP project posts or advertisements of commercial tools/services
    "Check out my portfolio, I'm available" threads -- use the Art and Sound/Music forum for this!
    Multiple repeated "Help Wanted" threads -- one per project, please. Edit your post to update / refresh, no more than once per month.

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934

    @tenrdrmer said:
    What are the ages of the owners and members of this team?

    I'll ask again.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited April 2014

    @hello@und3rdogstudios.com said:
    . . . NOT a paid position . . .

    Got to be honest here, I'm not always comfortable with being so frank, it can often come across as needlessly rude, but this whole set up doesn't look great.

    Your website is a free Wix webpage, which doesn't inspire too much confidence.

    The site is peppered with poor grammar and spelling errors.

    Example - "If you believe you have a great idea for a game, you have came to the right place" . . . . or . . . "Once you become a part of our team, you not our client, but to us - you are FAMILY!" . . . or . . . "We are a company with great diversity in our goals, partners, innovtive thinking, and concept execution." . . . there are numerous others.

    You are asking people to work for you for free, on commercial projects, projects that presumably have the aim of generating revenue, yet you are not willing to pay your staff for the work they do for you ? You want the applicant to sign contracts, supply you with IDs / their driver's licence, you want the applicant to be an experienced developer (so presumably they will not be taking up this role simply for the experience) and various other requirements - yet in return all you are giving them is a webpage with some cheesy stock photos and a couple of images of a penguin, a character of questionable quality, from 'Scooter's Flappy Adventures' (yet another game based on Flappy Bird), you even lift the same 'tap' on screen instructions and podium graphic.


    I wish you luck, genuinely, and sorry if I sound harsh, but I can't honestly see what you are bringing to the party, I certainly don't think you are in a position to be making these demands of someone who you want to work for free on your commercial projects.

  • Und3rdog_StudiosUnd3rdog_Studios Member, PRO Posts: 23

    Thank you for checking the spelling. But here, everybody is getting upset for NO REASON!
    We are just starting out ourselves. I am Chris, the founder and my partner Kyle, co-founder. I made the wix website, just so that we have something presented and it's not free actually. I wish it was. I am a graphic designer and Kyle is a 3d artist. We had a person who started with us as well, so it was 3 partners, but he fell through with broken promises. None of us are getting paid. Kyle, has been doing the 3D art and programming the game since February and it is a very simple game, but both him and I do not know how to program it perfectly. To be honest, Kyle has finished it, it just needs little finishing touches to a game salad pro user, it would probably only take 2-3 hours max!!! It is our first game, therefore we are not making money, so we don't have money to give. If we did, I would. Both Kyle and I are working on this for free as well, until we publish this thing and HOPEFULLY the advertisements start bringing in some money. We are not rich, nor do I care about the money. This is something we love doing and enjoy doing. If it was for the money both kyle and I would just stick to our everyday jobs and forget this thing. But also, why not make money doing something you love, right? just at the moment, we are not, which is fine. But we will. If you guys are going to post something negative, get out of here and quit wasting both our times. We are simply asking for help and that's all.

    SO NOW! we are seeking someone with gamesalad pro knowledge and is able to help with just 3-4 adjustments. the game is pretty much made and just need minor errors fixed. If you are willing to help, please let us know. email: hello@und3rdogstudios.com If you also want something in exchange, such as graphic, I am willing to do so as well.

    Thank you,

    Chris & Kyle

  • VGXVGX Member Posts: 796
    1. No one here will work for free unless there is something in it for them.
    2. No one here will give out personal info like you are asking for when they don't even know who you are as you only joined in February this year and only now decided to post on the forums.
    3. No offence but no other way to put it, Scooters flappy adventure? Come on! How the hell you expect people here to take you as a serious company? You can throw these words around founder, co-founder, copyright infringement contract, adequate and concept material but seeing that on your site says it all.

    Forgive us if we are a bit hostile but there have been too many scams over the years and we are now like a hawk on these forums.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @hello@und3rdogstudios.com said:
    Thank you for checking the spelling. But here, everybody is getting upset for NO REASON!

    Well, I doubt anyone is actually upset (although I did have a little cry when I read the word 'flappy') I think pretty much everyone who has said anything has taken the time to explain their thinking, if only briefly.

    Both Kyle and I are working on this for free as well, until we publish this thing and HOPEFULLY the advertisements start bringing in some money.

    Why not offer the applicant a part of this potential revenue, why should someone work for you for free on a project you are hoping will generate revenue ?

    We are not rich, nor do I care about the money. This is something we love doing and enjoy doing. If it was for the money both kyle and I would just stick to our everyday jobs and forget this thing.

    Well, it's great that this is your dream and you have day jobs to support your dream, but really the subject here is the person who you want to employ, the person who needs to supply proof of ID, has to enter into and sign legal contracts with Und3rdogstudios, needs to be an experienced developer and will have a list of duties he is responsible for - should they work for free because you don't care about money ?

    If you guys are going to post something negative, get out of here and quit wasting both our times. We are simply asking for help and that's all.

    Your language says otherwise, talk of responsibilities, legal documents, video conferencing "strongly enforced" (waterboarding ?), the requirement for an experienced developer, the requirement to following specific instructions and so on - a pretty heavy deal for just some guy helping out for free ?

    SO NOW! we are seeking someone with gamesalad pro knowledge and is able to help with just 3-4 adjustments.

    Good luck, I think if you are after someone to just sort out a few 'adjustments' you might want to try posting the areas you are having problems with on the forums, there are a lot of very helpful people who are more than happy to help you out.

  • VGXVGX Member Posts: 796

    In other words, since "the game is pretty much made" I'm sure you can work out the little adjustments yourselves.

  • CodeMonsterCodeMonster ACT, AustraliaMember Posts: 1,078
    edited April 2014

    it just needs little finishing touches to a game salad pro user,

    So basically you just want someone who has gamesalad pro "to finish off the last things you can't achieve"
    Meaning, you don't have gamesalad pro, you want someone who does have it to publish the game for you"
    Because "you don't care about money?"

    We are not rich, This is something we love doing and enjoy doing.

    Nor are we rich, and gamesalad is also something I love and enjoy.
    And for you to want us to do a free "trial" to see if we're good enough for your other projects, to me is insulting"

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited April 2014

    @hellound3rdogstudios‌ As you can see, people here are very protective of their time and skills and don't like to be taken advantage of (if they perceive that that is what is happening). I think if you had gone about this differently by getting to know and contribute to the community first, you'd find a very different response to your proposal because your proposal would have been different.

    You're skating a thin line by asking someone to work for you for free. Though the rules do allow for this as stated and quoted by you, the true spirit of them is to allow people to make business requests (I need a developer for $50/hr; I need an app built for $3,000; I need music composed for $300, etc.) or to collaborate with others interested in partnering in an informal process. I think maybe just the wording of your proposal set people off because it was a business request without monetary support rather than "hey, let's team up and see if we can build something together... anyone interested?"

    I think you'll find that if you stick around -- and hopefully you do -- you'll get a better sense of what is offered here and what is expected. You might even learn to build the game yourselves using GameSalad... it's not that hard!

    I'm going to close this thread and ask that anyone interested contact your company privately.

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