Promo Codes
Hello everyone! does anyone know if the promo codes that we receive after our app is published are a 1 time use code? or can be used over and over again? I created a app that is a 0.99 app but would like to give it away for free to certain people. (including people on here. I appreciate any help with this, just want to make sure i do not need to request more codes. is the link for my app if anyone would like to check it out btw. Its called "floating sports balls game"
Sorry everyone, I found out that they are one time use codes. If anyone is interested in receiving a code, and trying out my game free let me know. Would really like some more reviews on my game. Only have 5 reviews and 13 downloads so far. Thank You
Log into your iTunes dev account and request upto 100 promo codes per VERSION. Each time you upload a new version, you will get 100 more. These are one time use codes. Feel free to post some on here in the "announce your game" forum with you game name in the title and some screen shots & game play video (if you have one) and the community will take a look. Be aware that most people posting there game for trial on here are looking for both positive and negative comments (to help make your game better/solving bugs etc) so don't take and neg feedback to heart! @kipdev
Thanks bud, definitely wont take it to heart, looking for real feedback, all my friends say that love it, but they are my friends you know lol. Thanks