My Wallet Info. My first app after a year of this and that.

Hi, everyone :D

Here is my first app that made it to the App Store.
As a hobby, I usually do a little bit of this game and that game and all on the process.
So it's quite surprise myself that this app had finished first.

This app let you keep the information of your wallet in your phone with some features that I like to have.

  • Record the amount of money in your wallet by banknotes and coins.
  • Record it in your own currency. (Thai Baht, US Dollar, Other)
  • Write up to four shot notes with custom icon.
  • Chang the Theme as you like.
  • Protect your information with Passcode.

I have a good time making this app. Thank you gamesalad and thank you everyone for reading. :D

My Wallet Info on the app store

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