Looking for a partner
in Help Wanted
I need a partner to help me come up with an AI system that would make bot actors follow the main character around the map (More details would be revealed if interested), very simple so if you could like to help out please add me on skype at tehnoobish123
thanks! and have a great day
Is this a paid position? I guarante you'll get more responses if you include information like that.
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Haha honestly, I don't have much in my wallet. It'll be like helping a buddy out
Almost thought you might had mistaken the site for a dating site..
Are you planning to sell the app ?
What % of revenue will you be giving to the person who does this?
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Sounds like a ton of work for free...
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Here's a simple idea to get you started on your own:
Make 2 variables - call them PlayerX and PlayerY - they can be real or integer variables - real ones will be more 'accurate'.
In your player character, constrain variable PlayerX to self.position X
Constrain variable PlayerY to self.positionY
What this does is give you two values - PlayerX and PlayerY - which are tied to the player's position at all times due to the 'constrain' behaviour.
Now, in your enemy, use the 'move to' behaviour, and put in the variable 'PlayerX' into the horizontal movement, and 'PlayerY' into the vertical.
This will make your enemy move toward your player.
Like I said, simple, but should get you started.
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