Problems with Game Sound/Music

So, I am in the process of creating a spelling game and my problem lies with the music. The 'music' is in fact a voice-over done by myself. My spelling game is guided by a story which has a voice-over. As it is a drag and drop game, when the player drags and drops the letter in the gap below(on the screen), there is a 'That's Right' voice which confirms their answer however, the player is able to drag and drop before the story voice-over is complete and if dragged into the slot below both voice-overs are said simultaneously which is the problem.

I have tried stopping the music with the stop music behaviour but it doesn't work. Funnily enough, it works with one letter(the wrong answer) but not the other so I am confused.

I have attached the file one is talking about so you can understand as my explanation probably isn't great.

The scene I am talking about is the 'Space Story' scene. The actor's 'Letter A' & 'Letter T' are the actors with the problem. Letter T is fine actually. There is an invisible music actor in the top left corner of the screen named 'Space_Audio_Scene1'.

The file 'Spellinator7' is the file I am talking about.

Here is the link:


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