New approach to AppStore Screenshots - Whad'ya think?
After the Doodle Cannon HD update gets approved, I want to update my screenshots to make them funny and more interesting but I'm not sure if this is too much. Does this enhance the screenshots or clutter it? I'm afraid it might distract from showing the actual gameplay. What's everyone's opinion? Will it work?

You might consider changing the text in the last screenshot, adding 'mode' after 'player' though.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@QS- I could simplify the symbols to 3 each pic. All I really need is... 1.Bombs -> kill- 2.kills -> medals 3. (will be when I put the bomb store in the game) medals -> new bombs and 4. Bomb is by his foot -> insert expletive. I will add 'mode' to the last one. Thanks for help!
I still find it confusing. Sorry...
I'll *try* and explain why, and you can judge for yourself if I should have been placed in the slow reading group at school. Here goes...
I think you need something like a title for each screenshot. 'Part 1, Part 2 etc' or whatever. Currently, when I look at screenshots for apps I don't see them as a progression, more as a collection of the best bits. Thus, when I look at the shots, I see them as random...
Perhaps simplifying the symbols would be a good idea, as you mentioned. Right now I see 'bombs (a bomb) are bad (unhappy face), they lead to death (skull and crossbones)'.
This makes me think 'I need to avoid getting killed by bombs'.
The next pic says (to me, anyway) Death (skull and crossbones) leads to medals (medal) which is good (happy face).
Which kinda confuses me. Should I be avoiding death? If I do die, I get medals, which is good. So is death good now?
I think my main issue here is that I associate the skull and crossbones with death. You know, it's on poison bottles and pirate ships and such. I don't get that it's supposed to symbolise kills, which, after you'd written it out, I got 'in words' but not in the pictures.
The bomb store you haven't done yet as you mentioned, the bomb at his feet is fine. The other main issue I have though is that because the blue guy is so prominent I assume he's the main character. Is he? I don't know. It looks like you're trying to blow him up, but I'm not sure. If he *is* the main character, isn't blowing him up bad?
Like I said, I'm still confuzzled. Sorry! It's probably just me though!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I think it is flipping awesome.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
The reason I think these screen shots work is that it shows polish and it stands out from other apps. So right away it sends a message to people that this game is well made. People will likely see well made polished professional looking screen shots and assume the game is also polished and professional. To me that's the point. Though I do agree that I have no idea what the blue guy is trying to tell me. I just know that it has a lot of personality and looks like fun.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
QS- I like the idea of a header... will have to try it out. I guess the prob is that you're thinking you are playing as the blue guy, but you are in fact the faceless 'god of the cannon' trying to blow up the poor blue sap. Maybe I can figure out how to convey that right at the start to avoid confusion.
@James and Sci- Thanks and yeah you cant take the blue monster too seriously. He has no idea what he's talking about...
I hope this can help some of you think of new, creative ways to present your apps. After all, this is the your first impression to the buyer along w/ the icon so it's important! Well after the suggestions made, I added some changes... what's good and what should change back or otherwise? (don't worry about being a harsh critic, I'm in school for graphic design so I thrive on negative feedback lol)
One tiny thing - the bombs are supposed to represent the cannon balls, right? Would it be too hard to do a graphic of the cannon firing?
You could do it like math (to go with the graph paper!):
Cannon + Bomb(or cannonball) = Dead Monster
Dead Monster = Medals
Yay? Nay?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Glad you liked the general idea, and were open-minded enough to not just dismiss it! I'm not sure I could do the same! :O
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
In short i think you're screens are great. Noone will think twice about what the blue guy even says except a few weirdoes. (excluding the people here since its out of context)
They are the people that research a game for three days before downloading or go into Wal*Mart with a tape measure and a notepad.
I fully plan to rip off your screen idea on my next game DoodleCannonz Deluxe. JK
The reflection looks odd. I think that it makes the eye go off screen rather than holding it within the image.
I understand and agree with the need for it. Maybe it could be lighter and fade before it hits the image edge.
Similarly, I think the speech bubble detracts attention from the gameplay screen. Maybe the speech could be closer to the gameplay screen. Maybe overlapping a tiny bit? Tilt it up?
Hope this helps.
Now how do we learn from your example without blatantly copying you?