Grab and Throw actor from anywhere in game
I want to be able to grab my main actor and throw him where every he is at in the game. Currently i can grab and throw the actor but each time i go to grab him he tries to jump back to the same place in the map where he started. I want it so when i grab the actor it doesn't try to relocate anywhere, i want it to just stay where i am touching (clicking) and be thrown from that point. How do i do this?
Look for a template at gs helper

Or here is a video
Okay so i got that working kind of, but there's something missing from that video. I need a when touch is released rule i believe but I'm not sure what attributes or behaviors i should have in the "if touch is released rule"
Not sure you need all those attributes and rules, You can do it much more simply, like this . . .
constrain velocity X to 10 * ( game.Mouse.Position.X - self.Position.X )
constrain velocity Y to 10 * ( game.Mouse.Position.Y - self.Position.Y )
. . . . hold on, time for a demo . . .
Here you go - a simpler version:
exactly what i was looking for, thank you