Another ninja game?
I have been busy trying to make for a while now a ninja-ish game. but I spoke to someone earlier and they said,
"Ninjas, regardless of their display, as inherently Japanese, and the video-game market is over-saturated with ninja games - hundreds of Japanese fighting games that are inaccurate and harmful depictions of Japanese culture. Original characters are always preferred. Looks of a game always come secondary. Gameplay is always primary"
Also I read something recently can't remember if it was a TA forums but someone said "oh look another ninja platformer" and there have been other similar stuff like this about ninja games.
Now reading stuff like this has put me off massively, So thought I'd ask here and see what your opinions are on this. Would you give up on something you have been working on for ages or completely change your game so there is nothing ninja about it or make it anyway and hope for the best?
@VeiraGames, NEVER give up on something you have your heart set on or are passionate about. Especially not because of someone elses comments.
If you believe that you have something fresh or special (must be or you would not be passionate about it) then stick with it. This is how gems get created.
I made 'another zombie game' and it's doing pretty well on Android. And right now, I am actually working on a Ninja game. Who cares what others think? Use it to your advantage to promote your game.
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doesn't matter what game you make, its all about marketing and promotion.
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Agree completely with @Hopscotch. If you are making it with the sole purpose of turning a profit then maybe research more but if you are making it because you want to make it then what they think really doesn't matter. Some people will never download a ninja game and some will download every one they see. Do what makes you happy.
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I don't care about the money, yeah it would be nice but that's not the reason why I want to make a game. Well I'll see how it goes.