New Features in 0.11 Stable Release
I am not typing one of my usual sarcastic rants. This Post is straight out of my curious mind. This post makes no assumption. This post is not saying GS should be like other companies. I will how ever for this query use a few as a example.
We here as developers wether it be the graphic design or the coding side of things. Will use 3rd party software in assisting us with our games. We use xcode for more in depth issues with debugging and testing. We use graphic design software to create our cute lil characters and buttons and backgrounds. The biggest of all we use GameSalad Creator.
Now that we are close. ( yes, I know to use this term wisely). to a new release. A release that has been tagged as having a whole new structure to the back end coding. New features galore. I was wondering since this release has had so much changed and added. Is it possible? (Even if its already out there somewhere). Could you guys at GS create a full list of what new features and additions are coming with this new release?
Just like when any software has a new version for download or for sale or upgrade. There is always a "New Features" page, that goes into details what new features have been added. Examples of what new things users will be able to do. What advances have been made to make usage easier and more streamlined.
Since we are very close to a release. Could we get a page or posting expressing just this.
Of course if somethings arent yet 100% you can add a ( * )
Please.... no comments about how all this can be found in the 100s of updates and posting that are scattered around the forums since the release of 0.10.4
This request is about consolidating it all on one page for everyone to come to and read. One page expressing the new features and advances of this new release.
This way people can read this one page and get the full gist of this release. This page can be discussed and expressed. This page can be where we come to find out what certain features are and in laymens terms what they will provide.
I feel this page would help people grasp just what they are ready for when the release comes.
Great idea! I second!!
Its a common practice within the software industry. Its usually the selling point that works for me when I buy or upgrade. The ole. " If you liked us before.... you will really like us now. Look at what we can do now in this new version. You can now do this.... we've added this..... etc etc. Just something singular and official.
I would expect as with all new stable releases there is a complete set of release notes explaining everything that has changed since the last stable release. I can't actually think of a time when GameSalad has not put out release notes for a stable release.
@CodeWizard ?
I agree. But i have seen in past releases that some features that most knew about, others did not and would have if "All" features had been listed. In the past, ever since the release of 0.10.4 and the first mention of a 0.11. There have been changes and additions that have come and gone, ideas about what might be in 0.11 One night you might read about this possibility or in another post or update something about this possibility. So much has been talked about, put on and taken off the drawing board. One might get confused at just what was and was not coming with the release of 0.11. Hence the reason why I ask that there be a full blown, all out list of just what is in 0.11 that was not already in 0.10.4. @codewizard and many others have mention in all glee about just how shocked we will be when see how much has changed and has been added to the release of 0.11. SO much I think they might actually forget to mention some stuff. Granted alot of the more hardcore users of GS creator have been diving into the nightly builds since the first one. But some people, like my self found it best to wait until all " Well almost" all the kinks have been ironed out in this upcoming release. These people who have dived deep in will be more familiar with what has been coming and going. But for those who are waiting for the red tape to be cut will more than likely need a full list of just what has been changed and added.
Example of a future post.
Why cant we do "this" in GS creator?
Ive been wanting and waiting to be able to just simply do this in game salad and it seems like it would be easy to fix. When will GS set this up.
tenrdrmer: you can
OP: since when?
tenrdrmer: since 0.11
OP: You mean all this time?????? I never knew that.........
This is a example of what and many other reasons for a nice long in depth detail of whats coming in 0.11 that was not currently in 0.10.4 or you wasnt able to do in 0.10.4
Its not like Im asking for HTML5 to actually be a real feature in GS or anything. And not just some Icon on the website to help entice and be used as a selling point. HAHA J/K
Well... sorta