Does GS support different app's name depending on the language setting of the player's device?
Does GS support different app's name depending on the language setting of the player's device?
Native apps developed for iOS and Android support this. So, if the player's device is set to English, then the name appears under the game's icon is English. If the language settings is German, then name appears under the game's icon is german and so on.
Is there a way to implement this inside GS anybody? Thank you in advance.
Best Answer
tenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
All you can do with localizations is what apple allows listing wise. You can have an app description and listing name that you can make in each language. As far as the display name I think you are stick with the single one GS lets you put in. As at as any language changes inside the app you will have to manually build that into the app and require the user to select a language.
I think you have to change the name in the editor and release a different version for each country
@scottharrrules43 that's not what I'm looking for. I want to have the device recognise the language settings and have the icon in there device display the correct name in their language.
Check out the forum than
Let me know if it helps
It's looking like a no, so far. The link is what I'm looking for but no answer is inside it! I already have multiple languages and a menu to change them. It's all about the app name now. I'm working in Arabic and English so a universal name isn't what I want. But thanks for your help @scottharrrules43
@tenrdrmer did you ever manage to do this or is out of GS reach?
@tenrdrmer thanks for taking the time to clarify.