Updates now has "Pay what you like" (FREE) advertising. Yay!
Create and upload your ads now before all the slots go. If you have any problems, the email address is on the website.
Next update : The voting system and the Salad Tong Awards (you're going to want to register for that i assure you).
Create and upload your ads now before all the slots go. If you have any problems, the email address is on the website.
Next update : The voting system and the Salad Tong Awards (you're going to want to register for that i assure you).
EDIT - Fixed. there's now a zip file for mac users. sorry
In relation to the bits you've mentioned:
How long do the ads stay up for? Is there any way to secure front page advertising space if someone wants it for their game's launch week for example?
With regard to the upcoming voting system... I'm looking forward to seeing how you implement it! Will it be 'tong of the month' or something? With mega tongs at the end of the year perhaps?
Cheers, and keep it up fella! :
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Your ads will appear on every page where there is advertising (most of them)
There's only 5 ads slots available each week, bookable a maximum of 1 month in advance.
Its first come first served i'm afraid. But don't worry if you have a new game launch, not only will you appear in the 'Freshly Prepared' column, but i'm adding a new feature soon just for launches.
@QS Nice idea of the 'tong of the month' and 'mega tongs'. At the moment nothing is set in stone, so very much open to your ideas! Cheers!
Like when you submit a vote for the saladtong award it plays-
"let me see that tong...
that tong-da-tong-tong-tong"
EDIT: Never mind, I see you changed POLYGAMe to stanimation. LOL.
@POLYGAMe yeah sorry mate, getting a little tired i think.