Looking to test my app before full submission
Sp I just purchased my app developer license via apple. But I would like to know how can I test my app on the mobile devices. Tried searching through the forums but there is so much and couldn't find the specifics of steps that I need to do. Can someone please help? Want to make sure all bugs are out.
Thanks in advanced!
Found this on gamesalad.com/creator...
Test Your Games
Testing is paramount for making a good game into a great game. Utilize GameSalad’s In-App Previewer to test your game logic and behavior sets. We’ve done everything we can to make our In-App Previewer mimic mobile device performance, but there’s no substitute for testing a game on your actual target device.
Scroll down. It's there in huge writing.
If you have an iPhone, iPad, or iTouch, can you not just plug it in, and test it out? Sorry, I haven't gotten to the testing stages yet, so I'm not of much assistance.
also check out testflight, if you search for it you'll find a few videos on how to use it
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It's a fairly complicated procedure if you've never done it before, but there are many resources out there that can walk you through it. Basically, you need to publish your game through GameSalad's publishing portal as if you're going to submit it to the app store. Then, providing you have your provision profiles all sorted out correctly, you can use Xcode to place the published app file directly on your devices. That's an ad hoc test build.
Well when you buy the pro the creator lets you test it. I want to be able to test it on the actual devices.
What do you mean by plugging it in?
I downloaded xcode, so how do I plug it in to work together? I'm a little nervous that it may not work how its supposed to. So just trying to find the best way I guess. Everyone thank you for your help so far!
read this entire section:
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
I believe the GameSalad Cookbook has a pretty good walkthrough of this process. Basically, you'll need to set up your particular device for testing under your account. And apply the necessary provisioning profiles to that device as well. Once that's set up, you can simply drag and drop the published game file right into the applications section of your device in Xcode.
I wish I could be more 'step-by-step' with this but like I said before, it's complicated and has already been written in ways far more clear than I could ever explain. Just give yourself some time to follow walkthroughs and be ready to get frustrated for a while before it all comes together. I can still remember how stressed I got the first time I tried to set up an ad-hoc build. I didn't know what I was doing, but I got through it just fine. You will too!
Check out the GameSalad Cookbook!
This: https://help.gamesalad.com/hc/en-us/articles/203081297-3-6-Ad-hoc-testing-on-an-iOS-device is a great place to start